Where is FIRE Ibiza located?
" src="https://www.fireibiza.com/resourcefiles/faq-image/?version=11202024115303" width="670" height="376" onerror="faqimagecheck(this)" />
FIRE is located at
What are the hours of operation at FIRE?
" src="https://www.fireibiza.com/resourcefiles/faq-image/?version=11202024115303" width="670" height="376" onerror="faqimagecheck(this)" />
FIRE is temporarily closed. See you in 2024!
What is the dress code at FIRE Ibiza?
" src="https://www.fireibiza.com/resourcefiles/faq-image/?version=11202024115303" width="670" height="376" onerror="faqimagecheck(this)" />
The dress code at FIRE Ibiza is smart casual.
How can I make a reservation at FIRE?
" src="https://www.fireibiza.com/resourcefiles/faq-image/?version=11202024115303" width="670" height="376" onerror="faqimagecheck(this)" />
FIRE is temporarily closed. See you in 2024!